Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
sarah palin. again.
There have been so many lies and distortions pointed out in Sarah Palin's Going Rogue since it was released last week that her memoir has already become something of a gag line.
But perhaps the most embarrassing gaffe so far is her mis-attributed quote to UCLA basketball legend John Wooden.
As the epigram to Chapter Three, "Drill, Baby, Drill," Palin assigns the following remarks to the Hall of Fame hoops coach:
Our land is everything to us... I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember our grandfathers paid for it--with their lives.Only the quote wasn't by John Wooden. It was written by a Native American activist named John Wooden Legs in an essay entitled "Back on the War Ponies," which appeared in a left-wing anthology, We Are the People: Voices from the Other Side of American History, edited by Nathaniel May, Clint Willis, and James W. Loewen.
Here's the full quote:
Our land is everything to us. It is the only place in the world where Cheyennes talk the Cheyenne language to each other. It is the only place where Cheyennes remember the same things together. I will tell you one of the things we remember on our land. We remember our grandfathers paid for it--with their life. My people and the Sioux defeated General Custer at the Little Big Horn.Oops! That's not quite the sentiment that Sister Sarah was trying to convey as she guzzled down sugar-free Red Bull and cranked up Toby Keith's "How Do You Like Me Now?" while jumping on her patriotic high horse at the opening of the third chapter.
Oh Sarah. Really. You wanted to be vice president. That's adorable.
Humor Rating: 3
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
flippin' high school.
Flippin High School is located in Flippin, Arkansas. Home to the Flippin Bobcats, this high school is flippin' sweet. Their website includes the flippin high school mission statement, a list of the flippin faculty, and a link to the whole flippin school district.
i see no end to the humor. i wish i went to this school.
Humor Rating: 4
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
some great winter fashion.
ladies: going out for a night on the town? grab one of these at a great price of $199.95 -- 33% off!
men: if you want to make a statement and keep warm, here's two great options:
for those who have been called "two-faced," this will give you the last laugh for only $189.95!
or if you're just looking to stay warm while still making a statement, this is a great buy at $169.95
great, great buys. go stock up for winter!!
Humor rating: 3
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
a great deal!
Humor rating: 4
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
your face.
We have a super special beautiful camera, so that awful picture is really just because your face sucks.
Humor Rating: 3
Friday, November 6, 2009
an interesting epitaph.
I kind of wonder how her grandfather died. Maybe it was a David Carradine-type situation.
Humor rating: 4
a drunken decision.
Humor Rating: 2
a women's problem.
Humor Rating: 3
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pam's Halloween costume
Humor Rating: 3
Friday, October 30, 2009
how to tell if you're adopted
How To Tell If You Were Adopted
Hey, Kids!
Sometimes it's hard to figure out whether "Mom" and "Dad" are really your actual parents. Here are some things to look out for that mean you were adopted:
- You're not allowed to get a trampoline.
- Other family members enjoy foods that taste "yucky" to you.
- You're made to sleep in your own private room, sequestered from the rest of the family.
- Mom and Dad find occasions once or twice a year to shower you with gifts, so you won't feel so bad about being abandoned by your real parents.
- You don't remember your parents bringing you home from the hospital when you were born.
- Your parents call each other by names other than "Mommy" and "Daddy" to conceal their true identity.
- Your parents don't let you go out at night, when your real parents might try to steal you back.
- Only adopted, or "rejected," children have to brush their teeth.
- You don't have the same eye and hair color as your parents, and you're not the same height.
- Your parents sometimes go into their room and shut the door—this is to talk about whether the adoption was such a good idea.
- Your parents are not as nice to you as your friends' parents are to them.
- Your brother or sister has a nicer bicycle than you.
- You're not allowed to get a puppy, because the puppy could tell by scent.
- Once a week, Mom and Dad go to church, where they pray for a real child.
* Remember! If it turns out you were adopted, do not misbehave in any way or your parents will sell you to the gypsies.
Humor rating: 2
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Strange Santa Cake

Humor Rating: 5. I had my head down on my desk, laughing.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Creative Cat.
Humor Rating: 3
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Idaho State Assembly Having Too Much Time On Its Hands.
- "WHEREAS, Napoleon's artistic rendering of Trisha is an example of the importance of visual arts in K-12 education"
- "WHEREAS, Rico and Kip's Tupperware sales and Deb's keychains and glamour shots promote entrepreneurism and self-sufficiency in Idaho's small towns"
And concludes with: "WHEREAS, any members of the House of Representatives or the Senate of the Legislature of the State of Idaho who choose to vote "Nay" on this concurrent resolution are "FREAKIN' IDIOTS!" and run the risk of having the "Worst Day of Their Lives!"
Full text here:
Humor Rating: 2
Thursday, August 27, 2009
An Unclear Job Position.
I have NO IDEA what this job actually is. I mean, I know it's a time of high unemployment and increasing desperation among those looking for jobs, but, um... who would apply to this? What would the cover letter say?
"To Whom It May Concern: I am very interested in the position you advertised on craigslist. I have several years of experience as a gypsy, traveling Eastern Europe and robbing passing caravans, but your company offers me an excellent opportunity to use my skills in a corporate setting for the benefit of society."
Humor Rating: 3
from Avoid this Job
Death, Literally.
"People don't just break up [in the films] – they break up and it literally kills you. It's not like you just say, 'Oh, I'm really depressed and crying.' I always had a really hard time figuring out, 'Am I doing enough? Do I look like I'm going to die?' ".... "Yeah, it killed me. It killed me."
RIP, Kristen.
Humor Rating: 2
Friday, August 21, 2009
Drunken Antics
Not FML, poster, but epic win!Today, I saw a video of me last night, hammered, climbing my wardrobe screaming "I WANT TO GO TO NARNIA" naked. FML
Humor Rating: 3
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sarah Palin's Poor Writing Skills.
My favorite parts include:
- Where she referred to someone as a part of Abraham Lincoln's cabinet, when he was really on Andrew Johnson's cabinet.
- Where she says "over 2 million" taxpayer dollars were wasted and the research editor changed it to "nearly $200,000."
- Where they circled sections and wrote "misleading" and "vague."
Read the full edited article here:
Oh, Sarah Palin. You should probably not hold public office ever again. Please?
Humor Level: 3
Weird Jobs.
Also, what?
Read comments here, because they add to the hilarity:
Humor Rating: 4
From Avoid This Job
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Amazon Search Suggestions.
Books › "jess and the runaway grandpa"
Did you mean: jesus and the runaway grandpa?
Well, no, I didn't mean that, Amazon, but does that exist? Because that sounds like an AWESOME book.
Humor Level: 1
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Specialized Exercise Equipment
Someone was severely in need of some 'shake-weighting', as it were, when he designed this product.
Humor rating: 2
Monday, July 27, 2009
Facebooks That Should Probably Be Private.
British spy chief's cover blown on Facebook
But I really wanted to tag him!
Humor Rating: 2
Friday, July 24, 2009
A concerned husband.
Today, I finally told my parents I would be changing bedrooms because I could no longer stand hearing them having sex, which is awkward and disturbing. Later, my dad came and asked me quietly if I thought my mom sounded "satisfied." FML
Humor Rating: 3
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Jaded New Yorkers.
Humor Rating: 2
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Premature Obituaries.
The draft obituary, which had been based on the Queen Mother's, described Cheney as 'Queen Consort' and the 'UK's favorite grandmother'.
Humor Rating: 3
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Awkward Phone Calls.
(+44): why do i have 22 missed calls from someone who is literally saved in my phone as bumrape star??
I wouldn't call hir back if I were you...
Humor Rating: 3
from Texts From Last Night
toryfrank: LMAO! I can’t even fit a banana in my mouth, let alone a watermelon!
Humor Rating: 4
from You Actually Said That Online
People Wasting Wishes.
CliffingtonFalls: if god came down and said to me “i will grant you one wish” my wish would be that i could rate this video a 6
Really? That's what you would use your wish for?
Humor Rating: 2
Michael Jackson's Death Becoming a Very Serious Issue.
MIAMI (Reuters) - A fight broke out on a Florida bus when news of Michael Jackson's death sparked debate over whether he should be remembered as a great musical talent, and one passenger was charged with assault, police said on Friday.
The bus was moving through the city of North Lauderdale on Thursday when passenger James Kiernan received a text message about Jackson's death on his cell phone, and he read it aloud on the bus, the Broward County Sheriff's Department said.
The unidentified bus driver opined that "Michael Jackson should have been in jail long ago," prompting Kiernan, 60, to retort that "the world just lost a great musical talent," the police report said.
It said the last remark enraged another passenger, Henry Wideman, who started a swearing match with Kiernan, then pulled out a knife and chased Kiernan down the aisle with it.
The driver called his dispatcher and pulled over near a convenience store to wait for sheriff's deputies, who arrested Wideman, 54. He remained in jail on Friday on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Humor Rating: 2
Monday, June 29, 2009
Mockery of Unpaid Internships.
Some highlights:
- "In most of the world when a person works long hours without pay, it is referred to as “slavery” or “forced labor.” For white people this process is referred to as an internship."
- "In fact, the only way to get the white person to choose the plumbing option would be to convince them that it was leading towards an end-of-summer pipe art installation."
- "If all goes according to plan, an internship will end with an offer of a job that pays $24,000 per year and will consist entirely of the same tasks they were recently doing for free."
Humor Rating: 3
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ridiculous Look-Alikes
Michael Bay Kind Of Disgracing His Wesleyan Education.
Some other very angry remarks:
"I have been waiting, and waiting for the 'anticipation' of an 'event movie' to make it to the 'public zeitgeist.'"
"I'm sorry but I've never been one to rely on focus groups, you can feel in your gut the presence of a big movie coming."
"We were not on the cover in the form of a name."
"On the foreign front, from the terrible amateur cut down trailer I received which had a 23 frame flash cut of Megatron, if someone would of given me just one call, I could of told them the whole point of the trailer was the reintroducton of Megatron."
Full email here:
Humor Rating: 2
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A New Singer.
Danielle took the What's the theme song of your life? quiz and got the result: "Lovestoned" by Justin Timberland.
Justin Timberland? Is he new? Maybe it's a band that's a combination of Justin Timberlake and Timbaland!! Awesome!!
Humor Rating: 2
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
forgetting cliches.
Danielle: what happens, nick?
Nick: um... I forget the second line... You make an ass out of yourself!
Humor Level: 3
Username Fail.
Nutbag: ummm. u just created a username at 4 AM to come on to a World of Warcraft message brd and talk sh*t & the best name you could think of to do that sh*t talking was SnowLeopard?
Humor Rating: 4
from You Actually Said That Online
Inappropriate Combinations.
Humor Rating: 5, definitely. The alt-text edges it towards 6, even.
from xkcd
A DVD Switcheroo
"The kindergartners, first-graders and fifth-graders were exposed to a topless woman and sex acts in the 45 seconds the obscene clip played on the jumbo screen."
Wow, porn moves fast these days. 45 seconds and there were already sex acts, plural?
Also, a comment from ANGRYPS17PARENT on the article: "This is also definitely a "major issue", worth "manpower and resources" Children + this kind of material = pedophile until proven otherwise." Ummm...
Humor Rating: 2
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Poor Copying Ability.

The bakery delivered a cake that looked like this:
Hahahhahaha. Why would they actually deliver that??? Did they think it looked good? Did the baker say, "One of my master works. I totally nailed that." I especially like the 6-clawed paw coming out of the wildcat's butt.
Humor Rating: 4
--images from cakewrecks
The Imminent Possibility of Zombies.
GoldDude: If you’d dug a proper grave (a minimum of 3 feet deep), then the corpse wouldn’t be disturbed by planting tomatoes.
I kind of want to know the context... but I kind of don't....
Humor Rating: 2
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Craigslist Tutoring Ad.
I have Masters in Elctrical engineering...
advanced computer tranining...
I do offer 1 hour of trail instruction at no charge...."
I guess you're ok as long as you don't need help with spelling.
Though maybe he's also good at hiking, hence the trail instruction.
Humor Level: 1
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My Mother Lacking Tact.
mom was like "i think you should you 'wish you were here' for the dead people" and i was like "that's awful"
Humor Rating: 4
The Evil Eye Baby
Humor Rating: 3, because it gets boring after too many repeated viewings...
Food Kiosks Selling...
Humor level: 1, because, what?
Bret Michaels Getting Flattened
Humor rating: 5 (I watched it at least 3 times and I don't even have sound on my computer.)